Upton Tree Walk

Upton Neighborhood 1221 Argyle Ave, Baltimore, MD, United States

Don't miss this opportunity to walk & talk with Upton community leaders and forestry experts about the importance of urban trees and hear the successes and challenges of their project. We’ll also dive into topics like managing invasive species, growing community gardens, and the impact of living in a city made up of impervious surfaces. Ever considered […]

City of Baltimore Climate Action Plan Public Comment Period – October

City of Baltimore has a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 60% between 2017 and 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2045. Everyone who lives, works, plays and invests in Baltimore has a role to play in achieving this critical goal that will impact our health, prosperity and well-being. Beginning in October 2022, thousands […]

Dumpster Day

Dumpster Day Tivoly 1600 Tivoly Avenue, Baltimore, MD, United States

Refuse, garbage, and litter collection. Dumpster will be provided 9am to 12pm for HRIA residence. Location:  1600 Tivoly, see map

Housing and Environment Committee

We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86735131536?pwd=VWxlUnJpeVBCR0owQlZUQnlQMDJUZz09 Meeting ID: 867 3513 1536 Passcode: 588659